Graphis. 4th International Survey of Children's Book Illustration

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Year: 1979
Place: Zurich
Publisher: The Graphis Press
Edition: 1st
Language: EN-GE-FR
Pages: 468-615 = 148p
Condition: VG
Cover condition: G
Binding: HC
Illustrated: b/w + color

1979 Is the Year of the Child, by Dr. Hans Conzett, Zurich.
The Rights of the Child.
Ivan Y. Bilibin-The leading illustrator of children's books in prerevolutionary Russia, by Michael Patrick Hearn,  NewYork.
Current Picture-Book Publishing in the United States, by Michael Patrick Hearn, New York.
Children's Books in Britain: Divergent Styles and Occasional Highlights, by Brian Alderson, London.
French Children's Books: Cult of the New v. the Old Favourites, by Christine Chagnoux, Paris.
German Children's Books-a Ray of Hope for Children in an Unkind Age?, by Hildegard Krahe, Hamburg.
The International Palette of Swiss Children's Books, by Bettina Hürlimann, Zurich.
Children's Books in Japan: Rapid Growth and a Promising Future, by Tadashi Matsui, Tokyo.
Children's Books in Poland: A Landscape with Rainbow, by Danuta Wr6blewska, Warsaw.
Children's Books in Czechoslovakia: A Younger Generation Takes Over, by Dr. Dusan Roll, Bratislava.
Notes on the International Picture-Book Scene, by Anna Katharina Ulrich, Basle.
Netherlands 584, Norway 588, Hungary 589, Sweden 592, Canada 594, Brazil 596, GDR 598.
Short Biographies of the Illustrators.
Index to Illustrators.
Index to Publishers.